
Discover the latest eco-conscious and sustainable home cleaning tips, along with updates from ECOS’ lineup of home cleaning products here on our blog.


我们都有过这样的经历. That moment you go to look at a bottle’s ingredient label and find a list of words you can’t pronounce, 更不用说识别了. Sometimes it feels like you need a PhD in chemistry just to understand what’s safe or unsafe for your home. 虽然我们不能给你更高的学位, we can promise to be as transparent and open as possible about what we put in our ECOS products. 与许多传统的清洁剂不同,我们列出了所有的成分. And if that’s not enough, we also list all the ingredients we promise to never use, AKA “它们.

拿着两个肥皂盘子的女人 为你的家排毒:洗碗皂中发现的5种常见毒素

洗盘子. It’s something you probably haven’t spent much time thinking about, 但这几乎是每个家庭每天都要做的家务. It starts with a squeeze of dish soap, a few swishes of the sponge, followed by a water rinse. 但是你一直用的传统洗洁精? 洗不掉的. 事实上, it leaves toxic chemical residues behind on your dishes and glasses that pose significant health hazards over the long-term.

拿着洗好的衣服的女人 Detox Your Home: Why your skin needs a hypoallergenic laundry detergent

We wear our largest organ ­– about 20 feet of it – on the outside of our body. 我们的皮肤. It has the important job of being the first line of defense from germs and toxic substances ­– like the skin-irritating chemical residues of conventional laundry detergents. 如果你的皮肤反应是发痒和刺激, it’s time to take a closer look at your detergent’s ingredients.
